Prep LetterLand Parade

Congratulations to all our Preps on learning all the letter names and sounds for the alphabet! It has been an AMAZING achievement.

In Prep, we follow the Letters and Sounds Framework in conjunction with the LetterLand Framework and acute articulation (hand actions) to learn our letters (graphemes) and sounds (phonemes).

  • The Letters and Sounds Framework is a whole-school approach adopted by Highvale Primary School from Prep to Year 6. It is a systematic approach to teaching and learning phonics, beginning with the most frequently used graphemes and phonemes to support students to read and write common words.
  • The LetterLand Framework is a story-based framework that introduces different characters to help students remember graphemes and phonemes in a fun and interactive way.
  • Our acute articulation is based on Jane Passey’s research into how associating hand actions to phonemes supports students to remember individual phonemes.

Our Preps have done such an AWESOME job at learning their graphemes and phonemes and putting them together to read and write words. As teachers, we are so very proud of your commitment to your learning and we can not wait to see where your learning takes you in the rest of the year.

Have a look at our LetterLand Parade pictures to see what we dressed up as and the activities we did to celebrate our learning!