National eSmart Week

Last week was National eSmart Week and to acknowledge this, the year 5/6s participated in an activity which promoted cyber safety awareness on all types of devices.

Students watched a quick video which provided some good tips and strategies on how they can stay safe whilst using devices. This video has been provided for you to watch with your children again if you would like 🙂

After this we had a class discussion about what cyber safety is and how we can demonstrate this at home and at school. Students discussed tips from the video as well as some of their own. This was then written onto a poster in a speech bubble with students’ faces on them, to represent them sharing these tips to others. See our gallery for some examples, and the rest can be found on display in the year 5/6 classrooms. I hope you have learnt a new strategy or two on how to be eSmart when using devices! 🙂