Highvale’s 50th Birthday Celebration

On Friday the 10th of May, Highvale Primary School celebrated their 50th Birthday Anniversary!

Highvale Primary School had officially turned 50 on Tuesday the 7th of May and to celebrate this momentous occasion, the grade 5/6s participated in a couple of special activities on the Friday afternoon, which had a main focus on exploring Highvale’s past.

Our first activity required us to apply our mapping skills to draw a comparison of Highvale’s grounds in the past compared to the present. Some of our students had quite a lot of fun trying to draw and fit in 10 portables on the oval.

Our other activity was to make a Kahoot (online quiz program) using our iPads and laptops, where we created some interesting questions about Highvale’s past such as, “Who created our school song?” and “During what year did Highvale open their school canteen?”. Take a look at some of the other questions below and see if you can figure out the answers!

Overall, we had a lot of fun exploring and discovering new things about Highvale’s history as we celebrated this significant birthday. The students are also very excited to return to Highvale on our next birthday celebration in 25 years, to look back on their pasts and witness how much Highvale has developed!