Highvale’s 50th Birthday Celebration in Years 3 and 4

WHOOOOOOOOSHHHHH!!! That’s the sound of a time machine transporting us from May 1969 to May 2019 and boy, Highvale Primary School sure does look different.

On Friday 10th May, Highvale celebrated its 50th birthday. In Years 3/4 we celebrated this milestone by engaging in hands-on activities that were unthinkable 50 years ago!

Our first activity required us to use an iPad or laptop and to work in groups. We used the technology to watch a short documentary from Behind The News (BTN) to learn about what school was like in the olden days. Then, we researched ‘old fashioned games’ and made a chart about the similarities and differences between games. Click on the links below to watch our BTN video and to research ‘old fashioned games’:

Our second activity focussed on ‘Sustainability’, which is our science inquiry topic this term. We were excited to create our own experiment, involving growing a bean seed! We used a plastic cup, paper towel, bean seed and wooden peg to create a greenhouse for our seeds. We even became scientists and recorded a detailed drawing (in terms of colour and scale) of how our seed looked at the point in time. Throughout the term, we will continue to record any changes and observations.

We were amazed at how much Highvale Primary School had changed in 50 years. We enjoyed celebrating this birthday in such a creative way. Have a look at our photos to see how the day went.